Sunday, 4 December 2016

Top Best 7 Sciatica Pain Relief Tips To Get To Root Of It

Sciatica pain can be an uncomfortable condition, created through pressure on the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in the body and runs from the lower back down both legs.

The pain can be felt in the lower back, butt, legs or feet and can be a dull ache, a tingle, a numb feeling or acute pain. The severity of the pain is largely dependent upon the amount of irritation and damage caused to the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica pain can be caused by a number of conditions, such as spinal misalignment, slipped disc, injury to the hips, Piriformis syndrome (Piriformis is a muscle that runs from the lower back to the hip bone, and runs across the sciatic nerve). Pregnancy, a tumor, spinal stenosis and spondylolisthesis may also cause the same symptoms.

Sciatica refers to damage or pressure involving the sciatic nerve which is the largest nerve in the body. It runs from the bottom of the spine, through the hip joint, knee and ankle. Damage or pressure on the sciatic nerve can be caused by a variety of reasons and needs to be investigated in order for sciatica pain relief to be obtained on a permanent basis.

Pain can become worse with certain movements, here are the most common ones:

• Sitting down or standing up;
• Bending over;
• Whilst in bed sleeping;
• Walking;
• From sudden movements such as coughing, sneezing or laughing.

There are many symptoms that can indicate Sciatica; here are some of the most common:

• Sharp pain particularly in the lower back, possibly also in the hip, down the leg or in the foot;
• Weakness, numbness (as if the leg has gone to sleep) difficulty putting weight on the leg through

The sciatica pain symptoms are typically experienced only on one side of the body, and the pain may be continual or it may occur infrequently and 'flare ups' are experienced.

When you have sciatica pain, whether it's situated along your lower back, has traveled into the buttocks or has migrated down the back of the legs, you want that pain gone or at least to receive some relief from that sciatica pain.

Here are six of the best tips for relief of sciatica pain

Vitamin D deficiency and sciatica

Recent studies have shown that people deficient in vitamin D are more prone to diseases of the muscles, skeleton and ligaments. Vitamin D can be added to your diet with supplements but a better source of getting vitamin D is getting out in the sun. Your body absorbs vitamin D when it is exposed to the sun.

Vitamin b12 for sciatica pain

Vitamin B12 is very important to maintain a healthy brain and bones. A lack of vitamin B12 also causes loss of control over your muscles. Vitamin B12 helps to reduce the pain associated with sciatica, therefore reducing the need for over the counter drugs. Vitamin B12 occurs freely in poultry, eggs, dairy and meat

Is magnesium good for sciatica pain

Magnesium is one of the most important elements in maintaining a healthy nervous system and healthy muscles. Magnesium one of the most important minerals in the human body maintains more than three hundred chemical reactions taking place daily in our bodies. To add more magnesium to your diet eat more vegetables like carrot,cauliflower, parsley, beetroot, celery, spinach, broccoli and blackberries.

Sciatica Stretches To Relieve Pain

when the buttocks muscles are sprained they press the sciatic nerve and that's one of the sciatica conditions. You have to loosen these muscles to stop the pain and it's very simple. There are a lot of stretching exercises you can find everywhere but I am going to give you the easiest one: sit on a chair, put the ankle of the leg that in pain on the knee of the second leg and bend down until you feel the stretch. Count to ten and the sit back up. Repeat it 3 times and do this exercise few times a day!

Lying down on a firm surface will make you feel better. The first mistake most sciatica sufferers do is to lie all day in bad without knowing that it makes things worst for their back. So instead of lying on a mattress, use something flat and hard.

Massage For Sciatica Pain

we all love massages, not only it feels good but it's also excellent for a quick sciatica pain relief. You can even do it by yourself or ask help from someone - just massage the tensed muscles around the painful spot to loosen them a little bit and increase the blood flow to them! The pain relief will come after few days of doing it at least once a day!

Acupuncture points for sciatica

Acupuncture can help reduce muscles spasms and inflammation by increasing blood flow to the lower back area. It also helps relax the muscles and increases flexibility.

Stress and Back Pain Sciatica

Also another way to avoid sciatica flare ups is lowering stress to your lower back. If you lift anything, or exercise by lifting weights, keeping the correct positioning and posture is also paramount. One wrong move and your right back in pain again. To maintain good posture while you are sitting, you should make sure that your lower back is supported, and never sleep on your stomach.

All these methods work great and promise you a quick pain relief but unfortunately they won't cure you and nobody can promise you that the sciatica won't strike again in a week or even a day. The good news are that it's more then possible to cure sciatica and not suffer from it again!

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